ICSU: another UNESCO tentacle stirring alarmist brew

ICSU (International Council of Scientific Unions, now International Council for Science) – an intergovernmental entity which is most closely linked with UNESCO.  ICSU is headquartered in Paris, France.

ICSU is the most obscure cog among UN promoters of climate alarmism in 1980s. UNESCO, its uncle agency, was as a bastion of anti-Western politics and anti-White racism since at least early 1970’s. The US has left UNESCO in 1984 for the first time. John Kendrew, ICSU President in 1983 – 1988, was a Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, but later turned to politics. From an interview he gave in 1987:

ICSU has long been closely associated with UNESCO, and we are very concerned about the reduction in support for scientific work in developing countries that has resulted from U.S. and U.K. withdrawal from UNESCO. … In addition to research programs directly concerned with development, we are always looking … for ways of helping to promote the interests of Third World science.

Indeed, IPCC became a great vehicle for the “Third World science”. Continues:

We deplore the fact that the two countries left. Fortunately, the disaster has not been total because both the U.S. and the U.K. are now giving us some of the money which we received formerly through UNESCO and which is allowing specific programs to continue.

Morale: if you are doing a good deed, finish it. Withdrawing from UNESCO but continuing supporting its tentacles was a serious mistake.
