Big Tech Distort Communication Between People

If it feels like the world has gone mad, Big Tech’s distorting communications might be the cause.

Big Tech social media, search, and smartphones have not only replaced newspapers, books, radio, and TV for people under 60 but have also taken over personal communications. We are their captive customers. Internet-based news, including legacy newspapers like the NYT and WaPo, depend entirely on the Big Tech cash and clicks stream. Even TV networks rely on them for their Internet traffic and information. Big Tech refers to Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, TikTok, and pre-Musk Twitter here. Even the threat of adverse actions by Big Tech inhibits speech which they do not like:

“I listened in astonishment as he [The Hill’s editor] advised me that it would have been made invisible on Google and Facebook if I maintained my submitted title, ‘What Dr. Fauci Failed to Say’… It was my awakening to the censorship of the tech giants that controlled access to information” (Dr. Scott Atlas, A Plague Upon Our House: My Fight at the Trump White House to Stop COVID from Destroying America, 2021, Kindle Edition, p. 62). Continue reading Big Tech Distort Communication Between People

Published Recently

2025-02-04: 2013 Snowden Documents Were Forgery is published on Substack.

2025-01-29: Google abuses children: YouTube Kids inflicts gender dysphoria (“transgenderism”) on kids behind the back of their parents.

2025-01-23: The OSF Preprints published after moderation my preprint Evidence of Political Impact on California Fires in 2003, 2017-2018, and 2020. The preprint is not intended for future publication in peer reviewed journals, although criticism is welcome. You can even comment on X. Continue reading Published Recently

Obamanet / Net Neutrality / Open Internet Order

The stricken Net Neutrality / Open Internet FCC order (Obamanet) is a hoax-based regulation that started in 2010.


1. The stricken Obamanet order regulates the citizens using the Internet rather than internet service providers. The order’s language includes “[any service] that provides the capability to transmit data to and receive data from all or substantially all internet endpoints [or] that the Commission finds to be providing a functional equivalent…

Every individual using the Internet for any purpose — to speak or to listen to speech, to petition the government, or even to get medical advice — was subjected to this order.

2. The stricken order forces each internet user to pay for the dissemination of content that s/he finds objectionable. This is a compelled speech in violation of the First Amendment. This has likely been the main effect of the open internet orders since 2010.

3. The stricken order is a large-scale taking of users’ internet access fees without compensation, violating the Fifth Amendment. Continue reading Obamanet / Net Neutrality / Open Internet Order

Russia Hoax 2024, Part 2. Aborted

Dems prepared an “October surprise” for this election – a new iteration of the Russia hoax – but abandoned it in the middle. Nevertheless, the DOJ, Treasury, and fake news media have started playing their roles.

This post-mortem analysis of the attempted Russia Hoax 2024 shows how Dem operatives manufacture, plant, and amplify false evidence of Russian interference. Continue reading Russia Hoax 2024, Part 2. Aborted

SecureWorks attribution of Podesta phishing to Russia was false

The SecureWorks’ attribution of March 2016 phishing and hacking of Podesta and other DNC bosses to Russia (1, 2) by Bitly links was false. This is why.

The hackers did not need Bitly. They could insert a direct link to the phishing page. Usage of Bitly had only a downside: the risk of being exposed before the hacking campaign started, and the risk that the redirect from bit[.]ly would trigger a browser warning.

At the relevant time, Bitly shortlinks could be created and used without a Bitly account.

Bitly shortlinks in an account do not indicate that they were used. They cost no money and require very little time. Clicks are even cheaper. A smart hacker can create thousands of decoy shortlinks to hide one used for important business.

The phishing site’s log allows tracking clicks, so creating a Bitly account for that purpose is not warranted.

GRU created a Bitly account but forgot to set it to private mode” is a fairy tale for idiots. Continue reading SecureWorks attribution of Podesta phishing to Russia was false

Russia Hoax 2024, Part 1. Launched

2024-10-10 update: Given Tenet Media’s anti-Trump stance, its generous funders (either Democrat oligarchs or the FBI) killed two birds with one stone.

The September-4 indictment of “Russians” Kostiantyn & Elena for allegedly funding Tenet Media is part of another Dem election hoax, conducted jointly with the DOJ.

a) It is based on a mistranslation of the phrase “партизанские проекты” by RT editor-in-chief M. Simonyan. Translation “covert projects”, repeated many times in the indictment, DOJ PR, PBS etc., is incorrect. The correct translation is “guerrilla projects”, where ‘guerrilla’ means irregular or ad hoc.

Continue reading Russia Hoax 2024, Part 1. Launched