NOT Trump but Democrats were interested in violent disruption of J6 joint session

Update on December 21, 2023. Another document, outlining leftist strategies to overthrow President Trump in 2020 even if he wins the election in landslide: TheCount. Written by Democrat-Socialist operatives, it says:

If it is not possible for the rightfully elected president to be sworn in on January 20, and faced with an alternative of allowing Trump to win an illegitimate victory, Democrats should ensure that the Electoral College count cannot be completed by January 20 so that Nancy Pelosi becomes president.


We can’t treat a Congressional fight over which Electoral College votes to count like a legitimate legal process – it’s a coup and we must act accordingly

This might explain why the Pelosi police opened the Capitol gates and shut down the Joint Session of Congress under the pretext of the breach. I can rest my case here, but then the rest of the article would be wasted, so let’s continue. Continue reading NOT Trump but Democrats were interested in violent disruption of J6 joint session

How NY AG Letitia James contributed to pandemic and censorship

A few days ago, New York Attorney General Letitia James awkwardly admitted: “before this trial [of Trump] even began, the judge ruled in our favor.” This is not surprising, given that she ran for office on the promise to get Trump. She also helped to make New York the epicenter of COVID-19 in the US and played an important role in Internet censorship and sabotage, as exposed in Missouri v. Biden.

The Speech Restriction

Letitia James has been the New York Attorney General since January 2019. On March 19-20, 2020, her office sent letters to the largest domain registrars. Domain names (like ‘’) are an essential component of the internet infrastructure and are necessary to create websites. Anybody can purchase any unowned domain name and use it for as long as they pay annual fees. Continue reading How NY AG Letitia James contributed to pandemic and censorship

GOOG, FB, TWTR, & MSFT are Foreign Agents & Collusive Monopoly

GFTM Act Collusively under control the European Commission
In 2016-2018, Google, Facebook, Twitter and Microsoft (“GFTM” / Internet Gatekeepers) signed at least two agreements with the European Commission, committing to censor speech in the US, in a manner prescribed by European Commission, EU governments, and other EU political powers.

2016: the “Hate Speech” Obligations

On May 31, 2016, Google (in respect to YouTube), Facebook, Twitter and Microsoft (“GFTM”) made a commitment to the European Commission, agreeing to censor “illegal hate speech”. Contrary to its title, the document isn’t limited to “hate speech,” or any defined speech, but it is a requirement to accommodate the demands of the European Commission, EU governments, and other political forces. Many of those political forces are wildly anti-American. Further, the document’s reach isn’t limited to the EU, but applies worldwide, based on the theory that the internet is global and needs a global regulation. GFTM consider themselves global corporations, and censor content and content providers in the US, de-facto accepting jurisdiction of Brussels and Berlin in the US. For example, while Hezbollah is designated terrorist organization in the US, it is a recognized party in many EU countries & governments.  Therefore this terrorist organization now has a say on who and what is de-platformed by GFTM in the US. Continue reading GOOG, FB, TWTR, & MSFT are Foreign Agents & Collusive Monopoly

Invisible Hand of Governments – GIFCT, TAT, GNET

This piece follows up on the recent exposure of a web of NGOs pervasively entwined with the US and foreign governments to suppress conservative speech in the US and allied countries.

The hellish triad of the Tech against Terrorism (TAT), the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT), and its “research” arm Global Network on Extremism and Technology (GNET), need more attention. Although TAT and GIFCT have the word terrorism in their names, they expanded the scope of their targeting to what they call ‘violent extremism‘. The phrase ‘violent extremism’ is a code word for robust conservatism. GNET produces pseudo-scientific texts teaching and justifying crackdowns on conservative speech in violation of the First Amendment and US laws, including anti-trust. Continue reading Invisible Hand of Governments – GIFCT, TAT, GNET

CISA, SIO, and Craigslist Sex Trafficking Business

New evidence of the “Democrat branch” of the government’s manipulation (censorship and sabotage) of social media ahead of the 2020 elections has emerged. This interference was led by DHS officials, with the Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO) playing a key role. “Craig Newmark Philanthropies” contributed $5 million to the creation and operation of the SIO in 2019. Craig Newmark Philanthropies is a section of the Newmark criminal enterprise in charge of political influence in furthering the enterprise’s goals.

Reid Hoffman (LinkedIn/Microsoft) was also involved with the Stanford Cyber Policy Center.

The following explains Craig Newmark’s desire to control the information flow.

Craigslist, Inc. has been in the business of facilitating child sex abuse, sex trafficking, and illegal prostitution since 2008 or even earlier. In 90% of the US, these crimes were craigslist’s only business from November 2008 to July 2013. Continue reading CISA, SIO, and Craigslist Sex Trafficking Business

How Big Tech shares private users data with the Biden regime

On 2023-1-17, DC Chief Judge Beryl A. Howell issued a warrant, demanding Twitter to give special prosecutor Jack Smith private information of tens of millions of American citizens, mostly Trump supporters,  including “… information relating to all other interactions between the SUBJECT ACCOUNT [@realDonaldTrump] and other Twitter users from October 2020 to January 2021, including all users who have followed, unfollowed, muted, unmuted, blocked, or unblocked the SUBJECT ACCOUNT… all lists of Twitter users who have favorited or retweeted tweets posted by the account, as well as all tweets that include the username associated with the account ...” Continue reading How Big Tech shares private users data with the Biden regime

Obama Admin Shared Government Authority with Big Tech

By Assenting to Big Tech TOS with Only Minor Changes

In 2009, the Obama administration assented to Terms of Service of hand-picked social media platforms with only minor changes (not even minor changes with Twitter) and created multiple accounts on them. Consequently, these Platforms – including Google YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn – became dominant. Continue reading Obama Admin Shared Government Authority with Big Tech

Google and Microsoft Choke Independent Thought

Google punishes websites for merely hosting conservative authors and independent doctors. Worse, it penalizes websites for linking to content that it does not like.

Google and Microsoft continue choking independent thought on the Internet. The following are screenshots from, showing traffic sources of Substack and

They have the same business model: hosting medium-sized articles of multiple authors, allowing access to free and to some of them for a fee. Substack hosts many conservative and non-conformist authors. purged them a few years ago. The difference in the search traffic (mainly from Google) is enormous: Substack receives <12% of the traffic from the search, while gets more than 57%. Take a look at the red columns in both figures. This percentage would be approximately the same if Google were honest. Continue reading Google and Microsoft Choke Independent Thought