Notes 2017 Nov-Dec

The Paris Accord anniversary “summit”: not only Donald Trump, but even Angela Merkel does not attend!

The Associated Press (AP) reports that, “Macron’s climate summit in Paris finds new money” (1).  I suspect some of this “new money” was found in our pension funds, state and city treasuries, and publicly traded corporations.

Trustees, directors, and officers of the vulnerable funds and corporations are advised of their fiduciary duty to the employees, retirees, and stockholders. That means that not a penny from their respective funds should be lost to the “climate finance.”

There is a list comprising old offenders, such as CalPERS, CalSTRS, treasuries, and pension funds in a number of blue states.

———— Dec 1, 2017 ————————

Proktophantasmist: Accurséd folk! How dare you venture thus?
Had you not, long since, demonstration
That ghosts can’t stand on ordinary foundation?
And now you even dance, like one of us!

(Goethe, Faust, 1808)

How does the temperature dare disobey the IPCC climate models?

———— Nov 23, 2017 ————————

Will climate change make liberals stupid?  No, it’s the other way around: stupid liberals made up a dangerous anthropogenic climate change.  But, this is almost exactly a title of the article in the International Business Times:

Will Climate Change Make Animals Stupid? Scientists Show Heat’s Effect On Intelligence.

You might read it or not.
