Climate Alarmism Meets SJW in Google

After Google fired its prodigy software engineer James Damore for writing an internal memo acknowledging differences between sexes, Breitbart’s Allum Bokhari started a series of articles about the internal Google culture of recent years. From Rebels of Google: ‘Senior Leaders Focus on Diversity First and Technology Second’:

The complaint [by NLRB] alleges that [Google’s] Senior Vice President Urs Holzle and numerous managers in his organization actively stoked up witch hunts in 2015 and 2016 intended to muzzle low-level employees who raised concerns about the company’s practices [referencing “workplace diversity and social justice initiatives”].

Google’s Senior Vice President Urs Holze is also a Vice Chair and Board Member of the World Wildlife Fund (1, 2).  The World Wildlife Fund was alleged to manage a Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization in a civil RICO lawsuit (5:16-cv-211-C, Goldstein v. Climate Action Network et al., dismissed in June 2017).

According to WWF, “Hölzle manages many of Google’s other green initiatives, including the company’s purchases of renewable energy for its operations,” which is another fraud awaiting investigation.
