Netflix is an illegal drugs dealer?

In August 2017, Netflix (NFLX) offered for sale illegal marijuana all over the United States to promote another of its junk junkies-centered shows.

The offer was placed as an editorial article (an advertorial, in the professional slang) in multiple publications, including Variety (“Netflix made the point in its press materials that it’s not profiting off the sales of the product, which are for promotional purposes” — they should tell that to a judge), Mashable, Rolling Stone, and on Twitter. 

At least some of the advertorials contained hints how to purchase Netflix pot in the states where it is illegal. For example The Guardian told its readers: “Netflix has co-created a set of cannabis strains based on a selection of its most popular original shows. The set, called The Netflix Collection, will be sold as part of a pop-up event at Alternative Herbal Health Services in West Hollywood from 25-27 August to legal medical marijuana card-holding customers.” — i.e., buy through dope heads in Los Angeles.)

Netflix is one of the biggest beneficiaries and supporters of the mandatory net neutrality. It consumes more than 1/3 of  the peak hours internet bandwidth. Only small percentage of internet users watch it, but everyone is forced to pay for its bandwidth consumption and its politics under the 2015 net neutrality rules. Even worse, the 2015 net neutrality rules explicitly prohibit family-friendly internet in the US, exposing children of all ages to Netflix and other predators.  As a small gesture of gratitude, Netflix made a $50M deal with Barack and Michelle Obama few days ago.

When will we have a real US Attorney General, who would rein in the lawless Big “Tech” and its accomplices in DC?


1 thought on “Netflix is an illegal drugs dealer?

  1. The Fed needs to clamp down on the liberal mega internet companies (NetFlix, Facebook, Apple, Google, etc.).
    The lib, socialist agenda has always been to drug people up, dumb them down, disarm them, brainwash them and, thereby, control as much of their lives as possible (sounds like ‘Brave New World’, ‘1984’, ‘Animal Farm’ doesn’t it). Now they have technology to help them.
    Orwell and Huxley predicted this nearly a century ago.

    Id est quod id est.

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