More Science (2015)

More Science

Media claims like “climate change causes or contributes to hurricanes/floods/droughts/whatever” contradict actual observations. Such claims are lies loosely based on the ignorance of self-appointed “climate scientists.”  Some of their fallacies are: confusion between exergy and energy, between relative and absolute humidity, failure to use moving average, and accepting artifacts of incorrect computer models as scientific results.

The previous paragraph addresses the essence of such claims. Obviously, such claims are also formally incorrect: “climate change” cannot cause weather events by definition; on the contrary – statistically significant change in weather averages indicate climate change.

It is well known that the Sun is a very unusual star, exhibiting much less variation than known similar stars. If the Sun starts behaving even slightly more like other stars, even for a few decades (a period that might be not reflected in the geological record), the impact on Earth would be catastrophic for humanity. Solar variation is amplified by positive feedback in the Earth’s atmosphere.

Existing uncertainties do not change the above conclusions. Some of the uncertainties are inherent in the subject, but many uncertainties are caused by the pseudo-science practiced by climate alarmists: making conclusions based on statistically insignificant observations, declaring trends based on variations that are below error margins of the respective measurements, relying on computer models that contradict principles of the information theory, forging forecasts for unreasonably long time periods, etc.

Climate alarmism is also known to rely on incompetent and outright fraudulent research, including data fabrication.  On the other hand, neutral and skeptical scientists frequently used the word “uncertainties” out of politeness when referring to dubious methods and errors in the works of practitioners associated with alarmism.

Humans prefer warmer climates to colder ones. Have you ever gone on vacation to a colder place? Provided with water, food, shadow and nothing else, humans can live in the hottest places on Earth.  Provided with water, food and clothes, unsheltered persons die from cold within a few winter days even in a moderate climate (think Paris).  In many colder places unsheltered persons die within hours rather than days.

Life on Earth can exist in all conditions at which salt water remains liquid. This is usually -4˚C to 100˚C (25˚F to 212˚F).  Nowhere on the Earth’s surface does the temperature approach the higher boundary, but in a large part of the Northern Hemisphere the temperature drops below the lower boundary. (Simple life forms can survive outside of these boundaries and warm-blooded animals can live in below freezing conditions maintaining their body temperature through metabolism, to be accurate). On planet Earth, warmer is usually better.
