Hillary Clinton does not know how to use a computer

“Garrett Graff: Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee in 2016, does not know how to use a desktop computer, according to multiple sources interviewed by the FBI.” an interview on This American Life (Nov 4, 2016)

Garrett Graff is an ordinary Hillary supporter and Trump hater (1, 2). He was a 2016 Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor of Vermont and a Politico editor.

Garrett Graff: But when we actually read through these documents, you can almost come away with a sense that that is actually why they did it, that Hillary seems to actually be a very persnickety technology user. She is not very comfortable with most technology, only liked to use a BlackBerry and, more specifically, only liked to use a specific type of increasingly older and more out-of-date BlackBerry.

She doesn’t know how to use a desktop computer. She–

Sean Cole: Wait, wait, wait. Back up. Back up. She doesn’t know how to use a desktop computer.

Garrett Graff: Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee in 2016, does not know how to use a desktop computer, according to multiple sources interviewed by the FBI.

Sean Cole: How is that possible?

Garrett Graff: The short answer is, I don’t know.”

Notice how surprised Sean Cole is. He thinks Hillary represents the party of science and technology. It is Trump who is supposed to not know how to use a desktop computer. Two years later, the Fake News still claims: Donald Trump Still Doesn’t Use Computers.

The seditious conspirators in the FBI and DOJ still argue that the fact that the Democrats had huge data leaks and the Republicans didn’t proves that Trump colluded with Russia! This is a classical medieval argument for a witch hunt. A witch meant a person colluding with the devil. Frequently, accusations of witchcraft fell on men and women who succeeded at something while others failed, like medicine in the Middle Ages or cyber security in 2016. The logic is that they couldn’t have succeeded without the aid of the devil. When this reasoning is applied to Trump, the role of the devil is given to Russia or Putin, and so the Democrat-Socialist propaganda paints them accordingly.

The leftist inquisition has already come for the climate skeptics, shamelessly blaming us for calamitous weather. Unsurprisingly, James Clapper and John Brennan infamously promoted climate alarmism from their top intelligence positions. Going after the President should herald the end of the leftist inquisition.

Updated. Originally published on Feb 27.
