Stand with Dr. Bruce Gilley!

Stand with Dr. Bruce Gilley against the international persecution of his anti-anti-colonialism views!  From Legal Insurrection:

Bruce Gilley of Portland State University (image above) published an article titled “The Case for Colonialism” in the decidedly anti-Colonial journal Third World Quarterly (home of the [despicable] Edward Said Award [and having notorious Noam Chomsky as a co-editor]).

In the Third World Quarterly piece, Gilley argues that, contrary to conventional wisdom, Western colonialism was “as a general rule, both objectively beneficial and subjectively legitimate in most of the places where it was found.” Gilley doesn’t claim that colonialism was free of costs and human suffering, rather that, when judging the legacy (and desirability) of colonialism, the costs must be measured against the benefits and must be judged on how colonialism fared relative to what would have happened in its absence (and what happened in its wake).

Since the publication of The Case for Colonialism in September 2017, Dr. Bruce Gilley has been a target of a smear and intimidation campaign waged mostly by academics in the U.S. and abroad.  Two petitions on against him attracted thousands of signatures.  The social media took an active part in the persecution.  Unable to refute his arguments, his detractors resorted to what they consider insults: “The article, ‘The case for colonialism’, is a travesty, the academic equivalent of a Trump tweet, clickbait with footnotes.” (London School for Economics and Political Sciences, 1)

Finally, PSU opened an investigation against Dr. Bruce Gilley.  I suggest PSU administration to remember: what goes around, comes around.


3 thoughts on “Stand with Dr. Bruce Gilley!

  1. H. Arendt, speaking of the “Fluch der bösen Tat” without specifying otherwise [the quote remains proverbial in German language, it stems from Schiller, “Die Piccolomini”, act 5, scene 1 and continues “…daß sie, fortzeugend, immer Böses muß gebären”, approximative translation: “that’s the malediction of an evil deed, that it must continue to generate evil deeds “], had noticed that “this aspect was particularly dreaded by the imperialist politicians from the former generations. The fact that they foresaw it had effectively as a result that in whatever they did to foreign and different (‘andersartigen’) peoples, they reined in (‘zügelten’) themselves in a decisive manner” [from: “In der Gegenwart – Übungen im politischen Denken II”, Piper Verlag GmbH, München, 2. Auflage April 2017, p. 365]. She obviously speaks of the European imperialists (except Russia) only; suffices to remember the cataclysms brought on by the Japanese in China, by the Aztecs in Meso-America, by the Arabs in Africa, by the Mongols in Eurasia etc, to immediately see a certain difference

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