The Munich Security Conference

The Munich Security Conference, held on February 12-14, 2016, demonstrates excellent relationships between the US Democratic administration in the US and the UK Remainers with Putin’s Russia. Neither the US nor UK intelligence gave any indication that Russia was suspected of any interference in US politics. The Conference was attended by U.S. representatives: ODNI Director Clapper, State Secretary John Kerry, Senators John McCain, Sheldon Whitehouse, and Robert Corker; UK Defense Secretary Michael Fallon, GHCQ Director Robert Hannigan, and George Soros. Russia was represented by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev and Ambassador Alexander Grushko. China sent Chairwoman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs  Fu Ying.

Also attended heads of state from many other countries and other dignitaries. This friendly circle discussed the future of NATO (panel Between Reassurance and Reengagement? The Future of NATO), something they called “Euro-Atlantic integration” (panel discussion Towards Further Euro-Atlantic Integration? introduced by George Soros), and The Future of Warfare: Race with the Machines.

The “investigation of Russian activities” was a cover story for the attempted sabotage of Donald Trump. Illegal surveillance of the leading Republican candidates has started in 2015, as currently confirmed by multiple sources. Brennan, Comey, or someone else in the Obama administration, used the “investigation of Russian activities” as a veil to escalate that surveillance and to take active measures against candidate Trump and the Republican party. The the Obama regime drove the U.S.-Russia relations begin to the point of crisis, in order to provide credibility for this cover story.

Chris Steele and Bruce Ohr did actually conspire with the Russian government. Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska, who is close to Putin, traveled to the US in 2016, on a diplomatic visa, as a Russian government official. It would seem that the Obama administration was conspiring with Russia and the DOJ simply re-assigned the blame to the Trump campaign. Byron York, Washington Examiner, August 2018:

“Emails in 2016 between former British spy Christopher Steele and Justice Department official Bruce Ohr suggest Steele was deeply concerned about the legal status of a Putin-linked Russian oligarch, and at times seemed to be advocating on the oligarch’s behalf, in the same time period Steele worked on collecting the Russia-related allegations against Donald Trump that came to be known as the Trump dossier. The emails show Steele and Ohr were in frequent contact, that they intermingled talk about Steele’s research and the oligarch’s affairs, and that Glenn Simpson, head of the dirt-digging group Fusion GPS that hired Steele to compile the dossier, was also part of the ongoing conversation. The emails, given to Congress by the Justice Department, began on Jan . 12, 2016, when Steele sent Ohr a New Year’s greeting. Steele brought up the case of Russian aluminum magnate Oleg Deripaska … Years earlier, the U.S. revoked Deripaska’s visa, reportedly on the basis of suspected involvement with Russian organized crime.”

Also, ODNI Director James Clapper in September 2016:

The next President will be dropped into this unstable, uncertain environment. Clapper sounded a note of reassurance about the next Administration—whoever wins the election, “It’ll be OK.” He met with the White House Chief of Staff and the two Presidential transition teams two weeks ago, and he found them all to be “sober and professional.”

What has bitten him in the late December 2016? John Brennan?

BTW, Dmitry Alperovitch of CrowdStrike attended the Munich conference, too. He is on the cyber advisory board for The Cipher Brief, next to Ret. General Michael Hayden,  GHCQ Robert Hannigan and Matthew Olsen (TWE).
