Is Trump-Russia Hoax similar to the Dreyfus Affair?

In most cases when Mueller et al. successfully forced their targets to confess to imaginary crimes or to appear guilty in the court of the MSM, they did so by manipulating the most sacred of any citizens’ feelings: the desire to aid their country against a foreign adversary. Everybody knows the magic phrase to say when contacted by a federal agent: “Give me your business card, my lawyer will be in touch with you,” thus, invoking the VI Amendment.  But General Michael Flynn, Carter Page, and George Papadopoulos didn’t invoke it; instead they talked, thinking that Mueller and Obama holdovers in the FBI were engaged in a legitimate counterintelligence investigation. General Michael Flynn talked to Strzok, whom he thought was his colleague in national security. Carter Page, a former Navy officer, who assisted the FBI counterintelligence for many years, recently rejected a recruiting attempt by the Russian intelligence and helped the FBI in apprehending and convicting a Russian spy, talked to the FBI from 2016. Mueller was unable to stick anything to him. George Papadopoulos talked to the FBI and Mueller in early 2017.

Little did they know that Mueller and those FBI figures were seditious conspirators, readying a coup d’etat against the elected President!
