Why was Measles added to the list of quarantinable diseases?

The Demented Puppet has signed a (putative) executive order, adding measles to the list of quarantinable diseases.

The quarantine laws allow all levels of governments to isolate, separate, and restrict movement of sick persons and those who were in their proximity. Except for COVID-19 and pandemic flu, this quarantinable diseases list only included very rare and dangerous infectious diseases such as Cholera, Diphtheria, Infectious Tuberculosis, Plague, Smallpox, Yellow fever, viral hemorrhagic fevers (Ebola and similar), severe acute respiratory syndromes (SARS, MERS). Each disease on the list is either highly lethal or epidemic, and most of them are both.

Measles is neither lethal nor epidemic, in our highly vaccinated society. Why do the Puppeteers want it added to the list? The official pretext is a measles outbreak among Afghan evacuees. This pretext is not persuasive. Afghan evacuees are currently on military bases, over which the government already has full authority and can screen and treat refugees as needed. From the beginning of 2020 until September 13, only 19 cases of measles were recorded. Thus, this pretext does not justify such a far overreach.

The only possible motivation for this pEO is yet another power grab under the guise of a public health necessity. This excuse worked well for Dems since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. They locked down the entire US and forced people to wear muzzles.

This is not the first time that DP has signed an executive order, purporting to create guilt by association, granting its regime the color of authority to punish opponents together with their families by an executive decision, without any due process.

DP falsely blames unvaccinated people for COVID-19, but there are limits to this type of hate mongering. About 40% of the population is unvaccinated. The puppeteers need the ability to focus the hate repressions more narrowly.

Measles is a suitable pretext to ostracize and persecute conservative-leaning religious, ethnic, and political groups based on the opinion (true or false) that they are “anti-vaxxers”. A perception of emergency can be created by naming and shaming the targeted people, ordering health care providers to report suspected measles cases, treating suspected and even ‘considered’ cases as if they were confirmed, and declaring certain healthcare requests by members of the targeted population as ‘suspicious’ and reportable as suspected cases.

The following are quotes from an alert, distributed by the NYC Council during the measles outbreak of 2018-2019 (the emphasis is added, except for the header):

Oxiris Barbot, M.D.
February 28, 2019

ALERT # 2: Update on Measles Outbreak in New York City in the Orthodox
Jewish Community

A total of 121 individuals with measles have been confirmed since October in the Orthodox
Jewish communities …

Distribute to All Primary Care, Infectious Disease, Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Family Medicine, Laboratory Medicine, and Infection Control Staff

Report all patients with suspected measles immediately to the Health Department. Do not wait for laboratory confirmation to report a case or institute infection control measures.

Persons suspected to have measles should be reported IMMEDIATELY to the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) at 347-396-2402 during business hours or 866-692-3641 during afterhours and weekends. Reports should be made at time of initial clinical suspicion. Do not wait for laboratory confirmation to report. If you are considering the diagnosis of measles and are ordering diagnostic testing, then you should report the individual at that time.

if parents of unvaccinated children in the affected community request titers to confirm immunity in order to be allowed to return to school where exclusions are in effect, providers should assume they likely had measles and should report the suspected case to the DOHMH


Jennifer Rosen, MD
Director, Epidemiology and Surveillance Bureau of Immunization

Jane R. Zucker, MD, MSc
Assistant Commissioner Bureau of Immunization

The post was updated on the same day
