Draft Annotations

Eliminating Billions of Humans
Robert Muller (unrelated)

Former Assistant Secretary-General of the UN Robert Muller, wrote in 1995-1997

I am surprised that noone has as yet thought of creating a Pro-Earth, Humanity-challenging Organization which would put itself in the shoes of our Mother Earth and rejoice whenever humans diminish in numbers or consume less. It would give yearly prizes to people, events or institutions which achieve a reduction of the human population or of the consumption of Earth resources.

I recommend that a new United Nations world population conference be held, called this time World Population Emergency Conference.  That conference should offer an Emergency World Plan to stabilize the human population, setting specific timetables for all countries and regions of the world.

Paul Ehrlich

Paul Ehlrich is Bing Professor Emeritus of Population Studies in the Stanford University. He is a recipient of a Heinz Award.  He has Ph.D. in entomology. NBC News, 2003:

 “[Paul] Ehrlich still argues our current population level [2003, 6 billion] is three times what it should be. He said that the earth’s optimal population size is around 2 billion.

See also Discover Networks.

draft, not published
