Early Google Mischief Draft

Open Internet / Net Neutrality regulation of the Internet

Collusion between Google, MoveOn.org, and Dems to force all internet users to subsidize Big Tech. From americanprowler.com, 2006:


“This is how poisonous it’s gotten in Washington,” says a consulting lobbyist for a broadcast network. “You have Republicans taking money from companies and firms working to end their control of Congress, and even worse, working with outfits like MoveOn.org. And they are taking this money to not only help groups dedicated to defeating Republicans, but also for legislation that would regulate the Internet.

“[Those Republicans] also aid MoveOn.org, the extremist, left-wing organization, which is now being financially backed by Google so that MoveOn can help Google with “Net Neutrality.” Google has become the single largest private corporate underwriter of MoveOn. According to sources in the Democrat National Committee, MoveOn has received more than $1 million from Google and its lobbyists in Washington to create grassroots support for the Internet regulation legislation. Some of that money has gone to an online petition drive and a letter-writing campaign, but the majority of that money is being used to fund their activities against Republicans out in the states.

MoveOn was also funded by George Soros. Another far-left entity early engaged in the net neutrality compelled speech was Orwellian named The Free Press.

Deplatforming The New Media Journal

The New Media Journal (newmediajournal.us) was eliminated by Google from both its New and its general index in 2006.


To date, The New Media Journal domain URL is not included in either Google News or the Google Index. To date, the American Nazi Party, the KKK and al Manar are included in the Google Index.


Several retired American generals have joined the left and have publicly spoken out against a sitting president during wartime. …  Sadly, most of this “mutiny” is due to old-time military men who want to keep an old-time military.

draft, no published
