The following is a matrix of financial transactions among some of the leading climate alarmism entities from the complaint in the civil lawsuit 5:16-cv-00211-C, Goldstein v. Climate Action Network et al:

RFB stands for the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. GIM-ACP is Al Gore’s Alliance for Climate Protection, a marketing arm of his hedge fund Generation Investment Management LLP. EGA stands for the Environmental Grantmakers Network. In case you do not know your FOE, it stands for Friends of the Earth. USCAN is the US Climate Action Network. WWF is the World Wildlife Fund for Nature. “R” means that the corporation or fund in the row received direct funding from the corporation or fund in the column. “D” means that the corporation or fund in the row gave direct funding to the corporation or fund in the column. Only substantial ($10,000 or more) payments, reported on Forms 990 from 2003, are included. Pretty tight bundle, is it not?
All these entities are registered as “non-profit” and “charitable” corporations and funds, not paying income tax, allowing their donors to evade tax on most donations, and frequently receiving government grants from the taxes we pay. Naturally, they also support tax rates increases.