From the Web 2021

2021-08-10: A Simple Test for the Extent of Vote Fraud with Absentee Ballots in the 2020 Presidential Election: Georgia and Pennsylvania Data by John R. Lott, December 2020 remains the top paper on SSRN!

2021-07-10: From the WSJ, Dec 2016 (

“In January 2015, the CIA account tweeted in Russian, to note how the spy network sneaked Russian copies of Boris Pasternak’s banned “Dr. Zhivago” into the Soviet Union during the Cold War. First it had to notify recipients who might misinterpret the significance of a CIA tweet in Russian. “We told our colleagues ahead of time so they wouldn’t be confused or afraid we were hacked,” said CIA social media manager Carolyn Reams.”

Notice the tender relationships between John Brennan and his “colleagues” in Russia in 2015. Warning them about a tweet citing a well known Russian author. And why would they be afraid that the CIA were hacked?

2021-04-20: There is an excellent thread by “Dr. Simon” on $TWTR. He explains the connection between the suppression of science and the irrational attitude to COVID-19. He also shows similarities between the use of COVID-19 by Democrat-Socialist / Big Tech / Fake News and techniques of control, used by totalitarian regimes against prisoners. In my opinion, these techniques are also used by the so-called social media. It begins:

“1/77 #Science and neutral reporting are increasingly being oppressed. This is only possible as we find ourselves in a continuous state of #fear. In this eye-opening thread, I’ll explain how this could have happened and what #consequences this development has on our lives.

A separate tweet: “The fate of the world as we know it is at stake. Pseudoscience is dominating the news. “

Sundance,  Stand and Save Our Children – The Emotional Impact on Schools Being Closed is Incredible:

“In my personal opinion this emotional and education crisis is purposeful to the efforts of the far-left. If they can destroy the emotional and intellectual functioning of a generation through the exploitation of COVID, their efforts to fundamentally change the U.S. …”
