IUCN: Grinding Ax with Diplomatic Immunity

In 1996 President Clinton issued Executive Order #12986, granting this transnational organization diplomatic immunity: “I hereby extend to the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources the privileges and immunities that provide or pertain to immunity from suit …” (some exceptions followed). What is IUCN and why does it deserve such immunity?  Yes, it is a big cog in the climatist machine.

IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature, sometimes called World Conservation Union): founded in 1948, HQ in Switzerland.  Started as a conservation organization, then spread its tentacles into human life everywhere on the globe.  Has six commissions, including Commission on Education and Communication (what does it have to do with conservation?). From its website:

IUCN’S VISION AND MISSION. Our vision is a just world that values and conserves nature. Our mission is to influence, encourage and assist societies throughout the world to conserve the integrity and diversity of nature and to ensure that any use of natural resources is equitable and ecologically sustainable. …
IUCN is the world’s oldest and largest global environmental organisation, with almost 1,300 government and NGO Members and more than 15,000 volunteer experts in 185 countries. Our work is supported by almost 1,000 staff in 45 offices and hundreds of partners in public, NGO and private sectors around the world. …
Commissions and IUCN’s theme-based programmes: Business; Economics; Ecosystem management; Environmental law; Forest conservation; Gender; Global policy; Marine and polar; Protected areas; Science and knowledge; Social policy; Species; Water; World Heritage … – exactly half of the programs have nothing to do with conservation.

From Wikipedia:
A grant from the Ford Foundation in 1969 enabled it to boost its secretariat and expand operations. During the 1960s, IUCN lobbied the UN General Assembly to create a new status for NGOs. Resolution 1296, adopted in 1968, granted ‘consultative’ status to NGOs. IUCN itself was eventually accredited with six UN organizations. IUCN was one the few NGOs formally involved in the preparations of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm, 1972).

IUCN entered into an agreement with the United Nations Environment Programme UNEP to provide regular reviews of world conservation. The income this generated, combined with growing revenue via WWF, put the organisation on relatively sound financial footing for the first time since 1948.

In 1991, IUCN (together with UNEP and WWF) published Caring for the Earth, a successor to the World Conservation Strategy. It was published in the run-up to the Earth Summit, the 1992 UN Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro. The World Conservation Strategy, Caring for the Earth, and the Global Diversity Strategy (also published in 1992 by UNEP, IUCN, and WRI) are considered hugely influential in shaping the global environmental agenda. They lay the foundations for the Convention on Biological Diversity, a new global treaty for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity developed by UNEP with support from IUCN, the Framework Convention on Climate Change and Agenda 21.
