Perpetrator of EPA Human Experiments Steers MedSocCon

A new and disturbing connection between lawless MedSocCon and criminal EPA human tests is uncovered.  #1 on the list of members of the MedSocCon Steering Committee is David Blaine Peden, Director of the Center for Environmental Medicine, Asthma, and Lung Biology at the University of North Carolina.  The UNC facility played a central role in the EPA’s illegal experiments on human subjects. Mr. Peden took part, and may have even supervised, some of these experiments.  In particular, he participated in the CAPTAIN study, which was described as follows:

EPA’s ongoing CAPTAIN study imposes a risk of immediate death from an acute exposure to PM2.5” (The American Tradition Institute Environmental Law Center v. United States Environmental Protection Agency, and Lisa P. Jackson, Administrator.   VERIFIED COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF , September 2012)

Peden’s name also appeared eleven times in the unrelated legal memorandum by E&E Legal (May 2015), as: “David Peden has received $2.5 million in grants from the EPA, NIH and NSF,” and, “He is the PI or Project Leader of EPA, NIH and NSF grants totaling $2.5 million in direct costs focused on the effect of controlled exposures of pollutants to normal and susceptible populations”

The Environmental Defense Fund indirectly acknowledged that the experiments were not intended for any health or environmental benefits but for establishing crippling regulations on U.S. fossil fuel energy sectors: “The data on PM2.5 is even more compelling than the data for ozone.

More quotes from the Verified Complaint (not limited to the CAPTAIN study):

“EPA Has Exposed Human Subjects to Lethal Levels of PM2.5”

“He [the victim of the experiments] received a consent form that did not explain that he would be exposed to something that the EPA claims to be lethal …”

“… EPA employees subject to oversight and management control by Defendant Lisa P. Jackson and are the EPA employees who personally ordered human subjects be placed into a gas chamber and exposed to a lethal gas.”

“EPA scientists Ghio, Sobus, Pleil and Madden exposed human subjects to PM2.5 from diesel truck exhausts to levels 32 times the mean exposure in Durham, North Carolina, 90 times the average environmental exposure of the general population levels and 135 times the Mean diesel truck emissions exposure in the United States, increasing the risk of their immediate death by 10 percent.”

“In the 2009 KINGCON study, EPA exposed older subjects with asthma to lethal PM2.5 without informing them that PM2.5 could cause death within a one day from the exposures they would suffer.”

Update: Read German carmaker group sponsored emissions experiments on people (01/29/2018) on The title needs correction: the researcher group, sponsored by the carmakers, tested on humans only nitrogen dioxide.  Experiments, similar to those described above, have been performed on monkeys.
