Common Sense COVID-19 Prophylaxis


Since the CDC, the FDA, and the NIH decided to withhold useful information and to give harmful advice to the public, the following is some commonsense advice for a COVID-19 prophylaxis. It is intended for adults.

  1. If you belong to a risk group because of your age, specific health conditions, or professional activity, consider taking hydroxychloroquine (HCQ)
For the first 7 days: 200 mg HCQ + 100 mg Zinc, daily

After that: 200 mg HCQ weekly + 50 mg Zinc daily

A prophylactic effect is achieved after 5-7 days. It decreases the chances of contracting COVID-19 but does not guarantee immunity. Do not take HCQ if you have a history of retina diseases. Other contraindications exist. Consult your physician. The physician might recommend you higher or lower doses, and/or additional pharma meds.

  1. Take vitamin C, 1,000 mg twice a day.
  2. Take cod liver oil. Alternatively, or additionally, include wild caught salmon in your diet. Wild caught mackerel and other fatty fish are also beneficial.
  3. Go out and catch some sunshine. In summer, 20-30 minutes of half body exposure per day should be enough for light skinned individuals. In the south, light skinned individuals should avoid peak UV times (11 am to 3 pm). Darker skinned individuals need more sun exposure. Avoid overexposure to the UV sunlight, as it decreases immunity.
  4. Keep the indoor environment visited by more than one person warm, humid, and well ventilated. Temperatures 77°F (25°C) or higher and the humidity range 50-60% are recommended. If possible, use natural ventilation rather than air conditioning.
  5. Find a physician who would prescribe you a hydroxychloroquine-based treatment for COVID-19 if you develop symptoms, without requiring test results. The tests waste precious time and return 20-40% of false negatives at the onset of symptoms. Check whether your pharmacy would fill a prescription for HCQ (and Azithromycin) – some pharmacies do not. If you develop COVID-19 symptoms, try to get diagnosed and obtain and fill the prescription within 24 hours. Self-quarantine until you successfully finish the treatment.
  6. Mandatory face masks increase, rather than decrease, transmission of the coronavirus. They harm the wearer and persons around him or her. Tell your mayor and governor to cease and desist mandatory masking. Wherever such orders exist:
    • Avoid places where many people congregate and wear masks.
    • If you must wear a mask, select one that does not obstruct your breathing. One type is a transparent protective face shield. Wash it with soap and water.
    • If you must wear a cloth or surgical mask, treat it as an infection spreader. Replace the mask after each use (possibly 3-6 times per day). Handle the used masks safely. If you use disposable masks, soak in soapy water and strain them before throwing them in the If you prefer reusable masks, have more than one, and wash them frequently. Do this even if you have recovered from COVID-19 and have immunity – the mask picks up the coronavirus and other germs from the air and airborne dust, and transfers them to you and other people when you wear it again.
  7. Do not panic. COVID-19 is less dangerous than common flu for persons below 50 and is comparable to the common flu for those between the ages of 50 and 65.

I am not a doctor. This is not medical advice. This is educational material. It is recommended for consideration and adoption by the municipal, state, and the federal governments. Listen to your physician. Prophylaxis improves your odds of not contracting COVID-19 and/or developing severe symptoms if contracted, but it does not give you complete protection.

Minor change: July 19, 2020
