Oregon Government Hard Left Propaganda

Oregon’s government promotes the Communist Party and leftist mouthpieces in a series of lessons ironically called The Making of Good Citizens: Rights and Responsibilities Lesson 10, Description/Objective (emphasis is mine):

“Students will investigate and decide what issues are most important to them and conclude by participating in an election simulation of fictional candidates.

Oregon Standards

HS.35: Examine the pluralistic realities of society (e.g., race, poverty, gender, and age), recognizing issues of equity, and evaluating need for change.

HS.58: Gather, analyze, use, and document information from various sources, distinguishing facts, opinions, inferences, biases, stereotypes, and persuasive appeals.

HS.59: Demonstrate the skills and dispositions needed to be a critical consumer of information.”

The lesson page also links to the website of the Communist Party. This example is taken from sos.oregon.gov/elections, the site of Oregon Secretary of State Dennis Richardson.

I suppose entire generations have been exposed to such garbage instead of education.  This explains why millennials are so leftist and so disarmed in front of climate pseudo-science.
