Intervention against AGs United for Money & Power

Yesterday I filed a Motion to Intervene in the lawsuit ExxonMobil v AG Healey (case 4:16-CV-469-K).  This fight is not between AG Healey and Exxon .  This fight is between AG Healey and the People.  The Left has been using large corporations as proxies to deny Americans their rights for long time.  The direct attacks failed, but attacks by proxies have been tremendously successful.

Another reason is my recognition of the enormous infiltration of the US and state governments by agents of hostile foreign powers.  This infiltration occurred under the green banner.  Those foreign powers are mainly non-governmental.  That makes them more dangerous because of their (perceived?) lack of accountability.  Greenpeace, a militarized entity, registered in Netherlands but having bases all over the world, is an example of a hostile foreign power.  Yes, this is how much Greenpeace changed in the 45 years, since its founding in 1971.  Climate Action Network, the nominally apex group of climate alarmism, is based in Beirut, Lebanon.  By the way, CAN head is a Greenpeace man.  EPA and the government agencies, tasked with regulating energy facilities, are choke full of the environmentalist operatives, who blindly do bidding of CAN and Greenpeace.  And these agents of hostile powers have their hands on the control levers of the national energy infrastructure, including nuclear facilities.

Visit Intervention against “AGs United for Clean Power” to download the Motion to Intervene and other filed papers.
