Mark Warner Plagiarized Soviet Penal Code

In 2018, Democrat Congresspersons forced Big Tech (including Facebook, Twitter, and Google) to start suppressing, sabotaging, and censoring conservative and Republican voices on their platforms. They did that by threatening them with adverse or ruining legislation and regulation. The efforts were led by Sen. Mark Warner (D-VI). He lifted the text from the old Soviet Penal Code, Article 190.1, criminalizing criticism of the Soviet institutions (“государственный и общественный строй”), and replaced some words in it:

The original: disinformation that undermines trust in the Soviet state and social institutions

Mark Warner: disinformation that undermines trust in our institutions, democracy, free press, and markets

The original in Russian (1, 2): Распространение заведомо ложных измышлений, порочащих советский государственный и общественный строй

The plagiarized text is from: Mark Warner, Potential Policy Proposals for Regulation of Social Media and Technology Firms, published on in July 2018; page 1.

Of course, Big Tech platforms consented to censor and suppress conservative speech, so Democrats have dropped the proposals, and have been defending Big Tech against adverse regulation, legislation, and even litigation.
