Mueller harassed Republican woman smeared by Democratic Strategist

Mueller investigation was extremely effective in silencing Trump supporters, Republicans, and conservative political activists. See ‘Scorched Earth’: After Mueller Comes Up Empty, His Targets Speak Out:

His witness list, which grew to more than 500, targeted conservative journalists and authors, conservative think tank analysts and Republican congressional staffers. Witnesses were compelled to comply with more than 2,800 grand jury subpoenas and nearly 500 search-and-seizure warrants. Casting an even wider net, Mueller also issued 230 orders for communications records and almost 50 orders authorizing use of “pen registers” – devices that record dialed numbers — to collect phone records on individuals, most of whom turned out to be innocent.

Notice that Mueller’s witch hunt  was synergistic or even collaborative with purges by the Big Tech.

Another Mueller’s victim is Paul Erickson, the lover of Maria Butina, an innocent Russian woman who was forced to confess to a crime had not committed. Paul Erickson was charged with fraud, reportedly based on claims made by an allegedly defrauded investor in  the time of the Mueller investigation.

Here, one more example. Cassandra Ford, a Republican living in Defiance, OH, created a new Twitter account @Guccifer2 on June 9, 2016. The Mueller Report claims that on June 16, after appearance of Guccifer 2.0, she renamed it – although renaming a Twitter account is impossible. She didn’t believe the DNC lies about Russian hacking. In November 2017, a Democratic strategist Adam Parkhomenko, former co-founder and executive director of the Ready for Hillary super PAC and a National Field Director for the DNC in 2016, accused her of connections to Guccifer 2.0 persona and Russian intelligence. In April 2018, FBI agents were knocking on the door to handle her a subpoena, demanding her to appear before Mueller’s grand jury in Washington, DC. Cassandra Ford was also interrogated under direction of Senior Assistant Special Counsel Jeannie Rhee, a donor to Hillary Clinton, a lawyer for Clinton Foundation,  and Mueller’s partner in WilmerHale. The “crime” of Cassandra Ford was attempting to independently investigate what happened in the DNC!

This Ohio Woman’s Run-In With The FBI Gives Us A Window Into Robert Mueller’s Trump–Russia Probe (From BuzzFeedNews, October 2018)

P.S. I like Cassandra’s quote: “remember, those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside

Published on June 17, 2019. Edited on April 28, 2023.
