Sedition Warmongering

There is a tightly connected group of relatively young men and women who joined the intelligence community under Obama administration. It sabotaged Donald Trump starting with his candidacy and throughout his term as the President of the United States. It colluded with the government of Ukraine.

Jake Sullivan, current National Security Adviser, is the most prominent member of this group. Eric Ciaramella and Alexander Vindman, his accomplice in the espionage on the Trump – Zelensky call, are most notorious. Another connection is Andrea Kendall-Taylor. Alexandra Chalupa and the “Burisma network”, including Hunter Biden, are linked to this group. These connections are well documented now.

Use Conservapedia (with caution) and Alt-Search for more info.


Andrea Kendall-Taylor

Andrea Kendall-Taylor (@AKendallTaylor, Bio[1]): is considered a key member of the team that wrote the false ICA. A Brennan protégé, donated token amounts to Hillary 2016 and Biden 2020 campaigns. A close colleague of Eric Ciaramella[2]. Joined CIA under Obama administration.[3] Later became a National Security Analyst for CNN. Appointed by Joe Biden as senior director for Russia and Central Asia.[4] Supported the Bucha massacre libel against Russia.[5]

In the Trump term, attacked Trump, defended ICA and Russia hoax. An example of her writings (in connection with the CiaramellaVindman espionage in leaking parts of Trump – Zelensky call):

USA Today, 2019-11-14: “Trump impeachment: Government deep state isn’t what you think, and America really needs it | Attacks on the deep state will hollow out our intelligence agencies. That is bad for US democracy and good for American adversaries like Russia | Attacking deep state is good for Russia”

These are real title, subtitle, and section heading of her article. She studied in Princeton and UCLA.


[2] Secret Report: How CIA’s Brennan Overruled Dissenting Analysts Who Concluded Russia Favored Hillary | RealClearInvestigations




Other Connections

Ciaramella and Vindman

Poroshenko regime

May 1, 2022 updated/added:

the Russia hoax originated in Ukraine [or NOT]

Former President of Ukraine Poroshenko, Nov 6, 2020:

Translated from Ukrainian: “If there are no mistakes of the Ukrainian leadership, if there is no amateurism, and we use the window of open opportunities – I emphasize that in 2021 after the inauguration Ukraine will receive weapons, funding, a new package of sanctions, and Putin will not like it.”

Unian/ Glavred , January 7, 2021


Translated from Russian: “Social networks have already seen the ‘Russian trace’ in organizing the riots in the United States. In the video, supporters of the incumbent US President Donald Trump storm the Congress building in Washington. Phrases “Come on, faster!” and “Bolder! Bolder!”” are heard in Russian

Trump Supporters Storm U.S. Capitol in DC – YouTube

“Давай, быстрее!” и “Смелее! Смелее!” – На видео штурма Капитолия услышали русскую речь – YouTube

