Big Tech is the new Big Tobacco, plus …

Big Tech is the new Big Tobacco!

In fact, it is much worse. Big Tech has committed much worse fraud on its consumers than the Big Tobacco has been accused. Worse, Big Tech funded groups intimidating its opponents, and even lawmakers and government officials. Big Tech also uses its control of the communications line to silence its critics.

Jun 4, 2018 – Google (GOOG, GOOGL), Facebook (FB), and Twitter (TWTR) use their internet gatekeepers’ positions to manipulate (inflate) their stock prices.

Mar 22, 2018 – Dr. Robert Epstein commented on the phony Cambridge Analytica scandal in an article, Cambridge Analytica Is Not The Problem. Google And Facebook ARE The Problem. Quotes:

“During the 2016 campaign, Hillary Clinton had far more powerful digital tools at her disposal than Trump did. To give you just one example, in 2015, Google czar Eric Schmidt — who, at one point, had offered to oversee Hillary’s digital campaign — set up a secretive tech company called The Groundwork, the sole purpose of which was to make Hillary president. It was staffed by many of the same people who served on Obama’s 2012 tech team, which was also supervised by Schmidt.”

“So who has the power to change minds and flip elections? It’s the platforms: and that means Google, Facebook, and, to a much lesser extent, Twitter.”

“In 2016, the world was disrupted by hubris. Executives at Google and Facebook were sloppy and complacent – overconfident about the outcome of the election. Asleep at the wheel, especially during the final weeks of the campaign, they allowed conservative content to spread like wildfire on their platforms…. they will never let this happen again.

During the 2016 elections, the Democratic Party, its patrons, and their media/”tech” accessories forgot the Rules for the Evil Overlord )-:  We cannot expect them to commit this mistake again.

Mar 18, 2018 – Peter Thiel has announced he is leaving Silicon Valley and is moving to Los Angeles because of Silicon Valley’s intolerance of non-leftist views (1).  That reminded me of these lines from Infernal Qasida (or Inferno) by famous Persian poet, Bahar (1886-1951):

Oh, how scary the scorpions are on the empty stones!
People run to the snakes to try to save themselves. 

Feb 22, 2018 – The left-stream media celebrates mass shootings and seeds the idea of mass killing in the minds of impressionable people.  Even worse, the media uses each occasion of mass shooting to attack gun rights, and feels (and occasionally expresses) sympathy for the shooter, who was given the opportunity. Thus, the news media contributes to future shootings.

Trump overreacts. He still pays too much attention to the news media.

Feb 15, 2018 – The infamous International Fact-Checking Network led by the notorious Poynter institute described one of its activities as “Help[ing] surface common positions among the world’s fact-checkers” (1). That sounds like coordinated propagation of fake news.  Those who tell the truth need no networks, coalitions, common positions, or “consensus.”  IFCN’s funding sources, as it was telling by October 2017:

The IFCN has received funding from the Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation, the Duke Reporters’ Lab, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Google, the National Endowment for Democracy, the Omidyar Network, the Open Society Foundations and the Park Foundation.” (2)

The list of large (>$50,000) Poynter’s funders for 2017 includes the “usual suspects,” plus Charles Koch Foundation (3):

“Blue Cross Blue Shield Association
Charles Koch Foundation
Craig Newmark Foundation
Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility
Google News Lab
John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
McClatchy Foundation
National Endowment for Democracy
Omidyar Network
Open Society Foundations
Peter & Carmen Lucia Buck Foundation
Robert R. McCormick Foundation” 


Feb 2, 2018 – Christopher Chantrill in American Thinker:

The real relationship between politics and government is the gangster relation: nice little business you got here; pity if something should happen to it. Most conservatives don’t have a gangster bone in their bodies and really don’t want to get in the faces of good honest businessmen.

Problem is, then all the businessmen in America will end up paying protection money only to the Democratic Party, because liberals do care about power and do want to tell business who is boss.

Jan 14, 2018 – After extensive personal usage, I recommend the Brave browser.  It has a built-in ad blocker, slick look, and it’s fast.  Unlike Chrome, it’s not owned by Google.  And as far as I know, it does NOT install spyware.  (Mozilla Firefox installs and relies upon “security certificates” issued by China and other countries, which are likely to be used for spying on the user, hence, they are called spyware here.) Brave Founder and CEO Brendan Eich was the brain behind the Mozilla browser and was apparently chased away from the Mozilla Foundation by SJWs.

Jan 6, 2018 – From the Accuracy in Media, 2009:

“McChesney recently introduced Obama’s anti-American pastor Jeremiah Wright at a celebration of the socialist publication Monthly Review. Wright praised Marxism and called America ‘land of the greed and home of the slave.'”

McChesney is a co-founder of the Orwellian-named Free Press, one of the most visible promoters and supporters of Obamanet.  Also in 2009, Newsbusters published an article about Free Press, Van Jones, Mark Lloyd, and other accomplices.
