Origin of “Crossfire Hurricane,” updated

See my article Here’s How the ‘Russia Collusion’ SpyGate Deception May Have Played Out in PJ Media.

From the original publication in August 2018:

The media operations by the Democratic Party and the media echo-chamber have distorted not only the information about the relevant events, but even the background political picture of April 2016. Then, the Democrats and Hillary were the natural preference for Putin because of their traditionally softer stance on foreign policy. Certain policies of Hillary and Obama were especially beneficial to Russia: Obama’s promise to Medvedev to be more accommodating towards Russia after the 2012 elections, Uranium One, the Clinton Foundation, and the common cause against fracking and pipelines in the U.S.

 From August of 2015, the DNC ignored FBI warnings about hackings of its network. In May-June 2016, The DNC also refused to let the FBI access its network, not even to make disk images for forensics. Notice that they denied the FBI access to its network while intentionally allowing GRU and FSB (as they thought) to access it and all the classified information within it.

Peter Strzok and Lisa Page watched the Democratic National Convention. From the Strzok-Page texts on July 28-30 (Texts from Mr. Strzok are on the left, texts from Ms. Page are on the right):

What Does the US Government Know About Russia and the DNC Hack? – Lawfare https://www.lawfareblog.com/what-does-us-government-know-about-russia-and-dnc-hack
Interesting. Good comments about Comey, 
too [?] Trump and the Powers of the 
American Presidency, Part III - Lawfare 

Stupid *ss Bernie supporters shouting no more war so that he couldn't be heard hardly at all. I'm sorry, they're idiots.
They really are. And he was a 
really important speaker for them.
I know. I'm really angry.

Trump & Putin. Yes, It's Really a Thing
This article highlights the thing 
I mentioned to you earlier, asking 
if Bill [Priestap] had noted it to 
7th floor. l'm going to send it to 
him I'm not going to be able to hold 
out until Obama [probably refers to 
his convention speech - LG] 

Hi. I’ll be glad when the convention is
 over ... l'm exhausted. [Why to watch 
the Democratic National Convention? Oh, 
well - to know the Party line – LG]

No. Need to go see andy [McCabe?]
And I'm not surprised. All indications 
are he's a d*ck. Want to hear about it 
of course.

Hey if you discussed new case with Andy would appreciate any input/guidance before we talk to Bill at 3. Let me know I'm happy to come up if that's easier. News breaking Russians hacked Clinton email. Yeah Kortan [FBI head of public affairs] told us DCCC and Hillary Campaign hacked.
Hi. l'm partial to any woman 
sending articles about how nasty 
the Russians are.
hate them. I think they’re probably the worst. Very little I find redeeming about this. Even in history. Couple of good writers and artists I guess.
… f*cking conniving cheating savages. 
[I feel ashamed of such countrymen - LG]

Crossfire Hurricane was not an investigation into some staffers in the Trump campaign, but into Trump himself. Based on articles in the partisan and unaccountable media that originated from the DNC and Hillary campaign, Strzok and his accomplices started spying on candidate Trump and his electoral campaign. On August 1, Lisa Page texted to Strzok: “l mean seriously. What in the hell is this guy talking about? Donald Trump Gives Questionable Explanation of Events in Ukraine http://nyti.ms/2arMCyV. How Paul Manafort Wielded Power in Ukraine Before Advising Donald Trump http://nyti.ms/2aFY026.”

Only after launching Crossfire Hurricane, Strzok met an Australian diplomat and Clinton Foundation donor Alexander Downer. See my old piece Dangerous Pseudo-Science in Cyber Security in WUWT for criticism of attribution techniques, but disregard other parts of it as obsolete. All this became possible only because of the almost certainty that Hillary would become the next president. Victor Davis Hanson eloquently explains that in his articles Hillary’s ‘Sure’ Victory Explains Most Everything and If Only Hillary Had Won … .


2 thoughts on “Origin of “Crossfire Hurricane,” updated

  1. The Democratic party has ALWAYS been in bed with Russia, after all they are both socialists who are opposed to free market capitalism. The sole reason they APPEAR to now distrust them is that Russia now APPEARS to like Trump (‘the friend of my enemy is now my enemy’).
    Make no mistake, Russia is playing both sides against each other (“divide and conquer”).

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