Russia Hoax 2024, Part 1

2024-10-10 update: Given Tenet Media’s anti-Trump stance, its generous funders (either Democrat oligarchs or the FBI) killed two birds with one stone.

The September-4 indictment of “Russians” Kostiantyn & Elena for allegedly funding Tenet Media is part of another Dem election hoax, conducted jointly with the DOJ.

a) It is based on a mistranslation of the phrase “партизанские проекты” by RT editor-in-chief M. Simonyan. Translation “covert projects”, repeated many times in the indictment, DOJ PR, PBS etc., is incorrect. The correct translation is “guerrilla projects”, where ‘guerrilla’ means irregular or ad hoc.

Continue reading Russia Hoax 2024, Part 1

Biden admin already coerced AI companies

2024-07-29: Apple agrees to stick by Biden administration’s voluntary [sic] AI safeguards

It’s joining more than a dozen other companies in making the pledge, including Amazon, Google, Microsoft and OpenAI. … [Among the safeguards are]  social responsibility, including flagging societal risks such as biases … and sharing trust and safety details with the government and other companies

See also Biden-Harris administration’s press release from 2024-07-26.

This is an example of how Democrat officials coerce tech companies to implement Democrat political agenda. Then they deny government action. Continue reading Biden admin already coerced AI companies

Crowdstrike conducted malware gain of function

A cybersecurity company purporting to protect its customers against malware must have a database of known malware. It is one of the company’s most important assets. When CrowdStrike was founded in 2012, it lacked a database of its own. Its main asset was Shawn Henry, hired from the position of Executive Assistant to the FBI Director. Instead of creating or renting malware signatures from another vendor, CrowdStrike deployed a tool called CrowdRE, short for Crowd Reverse Engineering. This was a malware repository with a reverse engineering tool. Officially, it was intended for security researchers to analyze malware. However, it also allowed malware authors worldwide to benefit from public reverse engineering and borrow modules from this repository for their own malware. Anyone with a Google account was welcome to join CrowdRE. Continue reading Crowdstrike conducted malware gain of function

Published Recently

2024-07-20: The American Thinker published my article The Hydroxychloroquine Crime about the denial of access to Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, and other life-saving drugs for COVID-19 during the pandemic, committed by certain Democrat leaders and supporters to seize power.

2024-06-30: The American Thinker published my article Prosecuting President Trump from the Hague – referring to deranged Jack Smith and Merrick Garland. Continue reading Published Recently

Plus Footnotes for AT article

The Obama-Biden administration and its blue states counterparts used climate cult agenda to attack conservative and libertarian organizations all the time. Typically, they used legal threats against businesses contributing to conservative non-profits that criticized climate alarmism.

In April-May 2016, the Democrat party escalated its onslaught on the conservatives and republicans using this vehicle. Former VP Al Gore and a coalition of Democrat State Attorney Generals attacked conservative thought institutions, using climate cult doctrine as a club. One of them, the Virginia Islands Claude Walker went after the top right of the center thinks tanks. See Continue reading Plus Footnotes for AT article

The Mar-a-Lago Raid and Crooked Archivist Ferriero

The FBI unit sent to raid the Trump’s residence had instructions to shoot under certain circumstances.

The raid was part of a phony investigation, reportedly triggered by the former NARA Director David Ferriero. In his government positions, Ferriero has perpetrated at least two huge crimes that received no media attention.

On behalf of NARA, he signed agreements with select Big Tech companies on those companies’ terms (TOS with minor changes). These agreements allowed those companies to deplatform the US at will, to decide who has access to US government accounts, and what the US can post. Of course, the Fox News-affiliated MySpace was not included. Continue reading The Mar-a-Lago Raid and Crooked Archivist Ferriero