Russia Hoax 2024, Part 1

2024-10-10 update: Given Tenet Media’s anti-Trump stance, its generous funders (either Democrat oligarchs or the FBI) killed two birds with one stone.

The September-4 indictment of “Russians” Kostiantyn & Elena for allegedly funding Tenet Media is part of another Dem election hoax, conducted jointly with the DOJ.

a) It is based on a mistranslation of the phrase “партизанские проекты” by RT editor-in-chief M. Simonyan. Translation “covert projects”, repeated many times in the indictment, DOJ PR, PBS etc., is incorrect. The correct translation is “guerrilla projects”, where ‘guerrilla’ means irregular or ad hoc.

b) The main “Russian” perpetrator has the Ukrainian name Kostiantyn, rather than Russian Konstantin.

c) It charges Russian citizens who live in Russia. This ensures that the indictment will not be challenged in court, allowing its authors to write anything. This tactic is from Mueller’s playbook.

d) The indictment contains unusually few details and mixes up events from various times in a smear sandwich style.

e) Damian Williams, a former Democratic operative & Biden appointed DA, filed it in SDNY, one of the most corrupt and Trump-hating federal districts.

f) “Kostyantin” has a collaborator who goes by multiple fake names; the indictment mentions only “Grigoriann” (the hoax makers are not familiar with Armenian names, too).
This fake Grigoriann is another covert operativein Russia. For some reason, he uses Google, whereas even most ordinary people in Russia use Yandex.
Fake Grigoriann lives in Moscow and pretends that he lives in Paris, but is not aware of the time difference between Moscow and Paris.

Conclusion: indicted “Kostiantyn” & Elena, & non-indicted fake Grigoriann are Democrat operatives, probably living in the US.

DA Williams has charged Russian citizens living in Russia, working for Russian government, & acting within the scope of their duties (according to the indictment).

The US laws do not allow such prosecution, with rare exceptions (terrorism), specifically written in the code. Neither FARA nor money laundering are among these exceptions. This indictment is illegal & would be illegal even if its allegations were true. 

The indictment mentions Commentator-1, Commentator-2, and Commentator-3, who allegedly worked with the US company allegedly funded by “Russians,” and leaves it to the media to name conservatives to fill these placeholders. 

The DOJ has charged Russian citizens living in Russia, working for the Russian government, & acting within the scope of their duties (according to the indictment).

US laws do not allow such prosecution, with rare exceptions (or even one—terrorism), specifically written in the code. Neither FARA nor money laundering are exceptions. This indictment is illegal & would be illegal even if its allegations were true. 

This indictment includes accusations against Tenet Media founders, Lauren Chen and her husband, which are sufficient to charge them in SDNY, too. They were raided immediately after publication of the indictment.

Most likely, DA Williams & his accomplices intend to use threat of indictment as a leverage against them. They are Canadian citizens (the indictment says), which makes them more vulnerable.

Moscow has a 1 hour time difference not only with France but with almost all continental Europe countries, even as close as Poland and Norway. Only someone residing far away from Russia, such as in the DC or NYC, could make the time mistake described in the indictment. 
The indictment claims that Kostiantyn, Elena, and fake Grigoriann connected from IP addresses in Moscow, as if this served as proof of their location. It is not. Anyone from anywhere can connect to some network or computer in Moscow (by a VPN, SSH, or myriad other means), then send emails, browse the web, and do all actions from that network or computer with a Moscow IP address.
Dem hoaxers get away with it because they’ve got BigTech on their side. BigTech intimidated its employees & independent experts in early 2017.

Russian Media Monitor posted this interview with Margarita Simonyan. RMM, founded by Julia Davis, is one of the most shameless Russiagate hoax promoters. It is rabidly anti-Trump. The word covert in the subtitles is an incorrect translation of the Russian word партизан. The DOJ uses this mistranslated word as the foundation of a whole theory of covert information operations by the RT & Russian government in the US.

The FBI raided Tenet Media founders’ house and confiscated their computers and other electronic devices, @MrAndyNgo reported.

The FBI did not need them. The FBI could easily create electronic copies of their content on-site. Thus, this confiscation is punitive. Today, we use computers and smartphones for everything—writing, calling, getting medical care, etc.

Thus, this confiscation is
A) a cruel and unusual punishment, in violation of the VIII Amendment
B) conducted without due process, in violation of the V Amendment.

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