Climatist Consortium Against Human Health

Website, owned by a previously unknown group called the Medical Society Consortium on Climate & Health (“MedSocCon”), published a number of  irresponsible and misinforming posters, statements, “reports,” and other materials.  These materials teach doctors that certain illnesses are caused or aggravated by “climate change” and/or “global warming,” which are, according to the same materials, caused by combustion of fossil fuels.  Posters and talking points for communication with patients tell the patients to “vote for elected leaders that will act to cut climate pollution.” These materials also instruct doctors to give wrong advice to their patients, both adults and children.  For example, a poster for children speaks directly to kids (over the heads of their parents) and tells them to bike to school.  Dangers and high fatality rates of biking compared with driving are ignored.  A “Heart Health” poster advises heart patients to replace their car trips with biking and walking.

Many of these materials are based on or utilize climate propaganda materials developed by the Center for Climate Change Communication (“4C”) of George Mason University.  MedSocCon gives these materials to doctors to use in diagnosing and/or treating illnesses and diseases.

Since March 14 MedSocCon and its propaganda have been heavily promoted by the former mainstream media.  The timing is not accidental.  This seems to be a part of the well-organized “resistance” against President Trump.

MedSocCon is not shy about rationale for this outrageous abuse.  Its Guidance for Health Professionals openly says: “The combination of trust and reach, whether it’s public health officials engaging communities or the doctor–patient relationship, presents a unique opportunity …”.  MedSocCon repeatedly tells physicians to provide intentionally wrong medical advice.  Doctors using its materials may induce panic attacks, anxiety and other related psychological disorders by alarming patients about climate change and its alleged causes and consequences.  By abusing the doctor – patient trust for political propaganda, electioneering, and spread of misinformation, climate alarmism groups and their accomplices in the “resist Trump” coalition hit an unprecedented low.

MedSocCon is funded by the notorious Energy Foundation, Kresge Foundation, and others.  4C is funded by the Rockefeller Brothers/Rockefeller Family Fund, Energy Foundation, Grantham Foundation, and other usual suspects – along with our tax money.

Officials of many scientific and medical societies have gone to extremes to endear themselves to the Obama administration in connection with its climate alarmism agenda.  It’s one thing to sign stupid statements in support of climate alarmism, but it’s quite another to advise doctors to harm patients or to violate patient-doctor trust in other ways.

MedSocCon lists the following top medical associations as its members:

  • American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
  • Allergy Asthma & Immunology
  • National Medical Association
  • American Academy of Pediatrics
  • American Academy of Family Physicians
  • American College of Physicians
  • American College of Preventive Medicine
  • American Medical Association
  • American Podiatric Medical Association
  • Infectious Diseases Society of America
  • Society of General Internal Medicine
  • American Geriatrics Society

It is important to remember that joining MedSocCon and approving its materials was a decision made by a small number of top officials of each complicit medical society.  These officials are not really elected by society members and in no way represent doctors or other health care providers whom they claim as members.  Media claims like, MedSocCon “represents 400,000 doctors,” is “more than half of all U.S. physicians,” or that “Doctors warn climate change is harming our health” (CBS News), are false.

Connections between MedSocCon and the illegal EPA experiments on human subjects are investigated (March 28, 2017).

Examples from MedSocCon’s website (emphasis in the original).  The following quotes contain misinformation.

MEDICAL ALERT! Climate Change Is Harming Our Health


“5. The most important action we can take to protect our health is to reduce heat-trapping pollution by reducing energy waste and accelerating the inevitable transition to clean renewable energy.”




“The combination of trust and reach, whether it’s public health officials engaging communities or the doctor–patient relationship, presents a unique opportunity for health professionals to leverage their leadership and educate the public about climate change and health. “

“The following message offers effective ways in which you can communicate about climate and health. You can use phrases, whole sentences, or the message in its entirety for a successful message. See the annotations to the left explaining why this message works.”

“Kids seem to carry inhalers almost as often as lunch boxes. Seniors are stuck inside when weather shifts dramatically to extreme heat or freezing cold.”

“You can make a difference with your colleagues and patients and in your community on health and climate. These talking points provide a starting point. Tailor and use them in your conversations, speeches, and writing to build support for climate solutions.

  1. I’m a health professional because I care about the health of everyone in our community. I want to heal people, but it’s even more important to prevent the causes of illness and injury. …
  1. Fossil fuels damage our climate and are dangerously unhealthy. We know these dirty fuels pollute our air and water. The toxic pollution we’re adding to the atmosphere is not going away. The pollution is steadily building up to dangerous levels. …
  1. If we stop pollution from fossil fuels, we stop climate change and improve our health.
  • We reduce diseases, illness, and injury brought on by pollution and severe weather.
  • We slow the rising temperatures that are changing weather patterns and causing more intense storms and heat waves, all of which impact food prices and create health threats.”


Relate climate to patient and client health.

  • Many patients don’t realize that the symptoms they are feeling are climate-related. Help them understand how their health conditions are linked to and impacted by climate change, and share ways for them to take action.
  • Use this report and the tools offered through Climate for Health to create patient literature, include tips in newsletters, or feature climate in corporate communications and, if relevant, corporate missions.”


Patient FACTS.  Climate Change and your Health


“How Can Climate Change Affect My Health?

All people will be affected by climate change, but children and older adults may be most affected. Climate change will be linked with health problems, such as: [a list of conditions, including: Breathing problems, Unsafe water supply, Disease spread by insects, ‘such as Zika virus, malaria, and dengue fever’, Less food and water, Mental health problems]”

“What Can I Do to Help?

  • Carpool, bike, walk, or take public transportation to get to places you need to go …”


CLIMATE CHANGE & HEART HEALTH  – Public Health Institute


“What does climate change have to do with heart disease?

Climate pollution changes our climate and makes the world warmer.”

You can take action today to make sure we have a healthy planet with healthy places for healthy people!

  • Take a brisk 10-minute walk, 3 times a day if it is not too hot or polluted outside
  • If you smoke, quit as soon as possible. Visit
  • Talk to your doctor about staying safe and healthy on extreme heat days
  • Replace car trips with biking, walking and public transit
  • Find out how you can be energy efficient or buy clean energy, like wind or solar
  • Eat more locally grown fruits and vegetables, eat less red meat and processed foods
  • Ask your state and local officials for:

– Farmer’s markets and community gardens in your neighborhood

– Safe places to walk and bike

– More trees, parks and green spaces

– Clean energy, like wind or solar, in your community

  • Vote for elected leaders that will act to cut climate pollution
  • Join local efforts to fight climate pollution”


CLIMATE CHANGE, ASTHMA & YOU – Public Health Institute

(a poster for kids)


“What does climate change have to do with my asthma?

Good question!

Climate pollution makes the world warmer.  When it is warmer, air pollution gets worse.  Cars, trucks and power plants create climate and air pollution.  More air pollution can lead to more asthma attacks.”

“What you can do

  • Walk or bike to school to be healthy and reduce climate pollution
  • Tell your school and community leaders that you want clean air to breathe”


An article on the subject is published in WUWT (2017-03-23)


1 thought on “Climatist Consortium Against Human Health

  1. Amongst all the climate lies are some good bits of advice about healthy lifestyle habits, but this doesn’t excuse advising physicians such as myself to misinform patients about the climate religion. My job is to act in the best interests of my patients. It is not to drag civilization back to the preindustrial era of malnutritoin, contagion and conflict over scarce resources.

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